Thursday, July 19, 2012

Las Vegas kitten killer teens

There was recently a story in the news about two 16 year olds who drowned two tiny 2 day old kittens. They thought it was fun and were laughing when they did it. To read about their sentencing and some related articles about the case check out 

Not only is their sentence not nearly enough, as far as I'm concerned, but they have also been given the luxury of their names and pictures being withheld from the public just because they are 16. Video footage of them in court has their faces blurred. The public should know who the animal abusers are in their communities, regardless of age! 

I did a little digging on my own and I have confirmed the identity of one of the kitten killers. Since I am under no obligation to protect the identity of anyone who abuses animals, I will reveal that his name is Jeremy Deegan. I will edit this blog to add the second killer when I confirm his identity as well. 

Unfortunately, when the witness who contacted the authorities discovered the act in progress, it was too late to save the kittens. The witness has said that she received threats from the teens. A text message sent by one of the killers to the girlfriend of the witness's son said to not fuck with them because they have weapons. After animal control visited the house, one witness said that the two teens then went into the backyard with either a crowbar or a pick, calling for the mother cat. Luckily, they didn't get her. I hope someone can trap her and give her a nice and safe home far away..

I hope this information helps to protect your pets now and in the future. I know I would want to know if an animal abuser lived near me. 

                                              Jeremy Deegan: killed kittens for fun.

                                            Jeremy Deegan: animal abusing psychopath.        


Mark said...

Who cares if two teens killed a kitten!! There are worse crimes in the world. Find something else to blog about, You obviously have tons of time on your hands Lisa. you are probably single (cause no man wants you) you love cats ( cause no man wants to keep you company). Did you hear about the guy in Colo who killed many people in a theater? Now there is a story to blog about!!

L~ said...

Actually, a lot of people care that those innocent kittens were so cruelly killed. I believe you are in the minority on this issue. Animal cruelty, as well as the murder of people, outrage me. Those who commit either act are evil. I'm not single, though I fail to see what relationship status has to do with liking cats.

Mark said...


I have talked to manyu people about this. You are in the vocal minority. We can kill horses, cows, goats, rabbits, deer, wow the list could go on forever...elk, chicken, pig, all these animals we kill for our pleasure or to eat. A cat is no different. It's just another animal. Most single women find company in cats because they have failed to keep a man happy.

L~ said...

The killing of those kittens is not the same as killing an animal for meat because 1) It was not for food, and 2) The manner of death was not humane. As for killing an animal for pleasure, that is the action of a psychopath! Any time I've seen an animal abuse story, the majority reaction is that of disgust towards those who did it.

Mark said...

I know I guy who kills skunks for their fur (he likes to make a cap out of it) he doesn't eat the meat and the cap gives him pleasure. Under your guidelines he is a psychpath/ In fact then every trapper would be too. You know this is the farthest from the truth. What is more humane: holding a chicken in a very small cage till it is fat enough to eat, slitting the throat of a cow drainging the blood and waiting for it to die, shooting a deer with an arrow and following it for miles to see if it dies or quickly euthanizing a lost ferrel kitten by drowning? Wow there is no comparison there.

L~ said...

The issue here is that two psychopathic teens killed innocent kittens for fun. Those were not "lost" feral kittens. They had a mother cat who was right there. Drowning is not quick euthanasia; wtf? Even if the kittens were abandoned, it is not hard to arrange for them to be fostered or rehomed. There really was no justification for what was done. The State of Nevada agrees that it's not okay to go around killing kittens. Now they just need to work on harsher sentencing.

Mark said...

The real issue is tons of people kill animals for fun. Big game hunters hardly ever eat their kill. The only difference here is the boys killed kittens and you like kittens. So you are only a psychopath if you kill a domestic animal for fun? I would hate to see your comments if you liked cows. Every butcher would be a psychopath. Oh and I Googled how many cats Las Vegas euthanizes per year and it is in the tens of thousands. Yes that many!!

L~ said...

Just because people still get away with killing animals for fun in some circumstances, it doesn't make it right. Killing any animal "for fun" is wrong. There's a huge difference between someone doing a quick kill for food and what happened in this case...It's not just because it was kittens, I would feel the same even if it was an animal I don't particularly like.

Anonymous said...

Lisa I don't know why you are wasting your time arguing with this guy. It is either the kid or his dad. They said they were eutjizing the cats to explain away the sick behavior. Trying to compare this to hunting is ridiculous. Any respectable hunter would also believe what these boys did was not okay. Now they continue to harass the witness. If the judge doesn't lock him up for violating his probation the public should speak up. A witness being harassed by a kid on probation and nothing being done about it is never okay. It was wrong period. Stop blaming anyone else and look at your bad behavior kiddo.

Susan said...

That kid looks like a douchey piece of shit and his family is white trash, Im sure. I hope someone curb stomps their worthless asses.

Anonymous said...

You're only defending this behavior, because you probably spawned one of these little pieces of shit.
If that's true, congrats, you raised a sociopath. Someone should just drown you, and them.

L~ said...

Yes, I've suspected that Mark is the dad or someone who knows them well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, I just found your blog via FB. I just wanted to say I completely agree with your views and I want to thank you for outing one of the young criminals who murdered the kittens. What I find particularly disgusting is that the parents seem to think it's no big deal; indeed, the one father allegedly told the criminals to kill the kittens. Don't the families realize that cruelty to animals is often the prelude to worse crimes?

I sincerely hope you find the name of the other thug and out him, too. What do you think are some ways to support the woman who reported the crime and is suffering at the hands of these two thugs, and also, ways to earn justice for these two kittens?

Thank you, Kim

L~ said...

Isn't not having contact with any witnesses part of the parole? If the woman who reported them is being harassed, I think she should apply for a restraining order. Then the court would have no choice but to see that parole was violated. If they think she had anything to do with me outing him in a blog, they are wrong. I acquired the information on my own.

Anonymous said...

Nice work exposing this scumbag Lisa! I'd love to see a protest outside the kids house, they need to run him and his family out of the neighborhood alltogether. I know if I saw the murderous act he would be a parapalegic now!

Anonymous said...

I use to be friends with him. Regardless of what he did, you have no right putting him out there like this. It honestly doesnt make you any better.

L~ said...

Making sure he's outed isn't even close to what he really deserves.

Anonymous said...

This is pathetic. You have nothing better to do then blog about people because you probably have no life of your own. These to boys are not sociopaths or psychotic. There teenagers. People down south and back east kill deer, rabbits, squirrels, etc. for no reason at all, its a hobby. There's no difference, and you have no idea what the reasoning behind it was. They didn't do it maliciously, or because they were bored, and maybe if you fully did your research and took both sides like a good reporter would, you would know that. He made a mistake, and he knows that. If you met him without knowing his past you'd say he was the most respectful young man you've ever met. You wanna blaspheme someone? Go get a child rapest, and put them on blast. Not a teenager who made one wrong decision.

L~ said...

I am not removing this blog, so if you don't like it, stop visiting. Anyone who can so callously and maliciously drown innocent animals does not deserve to have the incident swept under the rug and forgotten.

LvHome said...

I am constantly surprised at the hypocrisy of people like you. I bet you tell everyone what a good christian you are but never do a thing to help another person. But yet you will try to ruin someone's future over an animal just because it's "cute." Where are you when they are full grown and feral? Feral cats are dangerous and a nuisance. I have to deal with them all the time on my property and constantly have to watch my children to make sure they are not scratched or bitten by these animals. Plus I have to constantly clean where these animals have sprayed. Keeping blogging so everyone will know what an idiot you are. If you're not embarrassed over your ignorant comments, post your name.

L~ said...

I never tell people I'm a Christian. I'm an Atheist. Nice story about feral cats on your property. Too bad the story is BS. It is very rare for feral cats to attack people. The crap about them being dangerous are lies cat haters like to spread. I actually do take care of feral cats. I feed them and get them fixed. When there have been kittens, I've tamed them and found homes for them. What I do not do is murder them. Animal abusers do not deserve to remain anonymous. Anyone who looks up Jeremy Deegan has a right to know what he did so they can take precautions to protect their animals. Only an idiot like yourself would think animal abuse isn't a big deal.